Thursday, May 22, 2008

You Inspire Me

Some days I find it very hard to find something to write about in this here blog. I am just not sure what people would find interesting. Lately I don't really feel like I've been doing much interesting either, so I'm struggling to find inspiration.

How do you guys always manage to find something to write about?

What do you use for inspiration?


  1. When I feel distinctly unwordy I post up a photograph :)

  2. When I look for inspiration, I see you. For one thing. :)
    And other blogging friends. You are all so cool, and always seem to be there for me. But especially you, if I may say so.

  3. Claire that actually is quite a good idea. I might copy you on that.

    Max, you are so sweet :)

  4. Photographs are the best stop-gap I know. Max is the best time-waster I know :)

  5. I always find your blog interesting. You can also visit youtube and embed an interesting video on your blog - it's quite easy to do.

  6. Thats a good idea mr iphone.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Hey where's the photograph then? :)

  8. Just put up pictures of you being you. You are inspiring in your acts of kindness!

  9. Sometimes I just open Word and start typing. Something usually comes to mind. If I have gone a couple days with no post it's because I am having bloggers block. :)

  10. i know what you mean. just don't pressure yourself to post something all the time. you are an inherently interesting person, but if one day you're not in the mood to be witty, that's ok. nobody will think less of you.

    as where do i find inspiration? everywhere around me. that's why i need so many changes, i guess...

  11. Thanks all, you all have helped. I'll be posting something later today... either a photo or words... we'll see .


Go on, you know you want to...