Friday, July 11, 2008


It's finally Friday, and I am so happy. The weather here is wonderful right now, and I have no desire to be indoors, however, at the moment I need to work to pay the bills so there's no getting past the fact I have to at least spend some time indoors - oh well, such is life. I suppose if I was really bothered by that fact, I'd look for a new job in which I could be outdoors all day. Been as I'm not going to do that, I'll just stop my whining now.

Today, I'll only be working till lunchtime. Then I am going to Coos Bay and Crater Lake for the weekend. I've never been to either of these places, in fact I have never been that far south in Oregon. This is part of my birthday treat from the wbf. I am so excited.

We leave at noon, and then we'll be taking 101 down. Its going to be so much fun, I can hardly wait. I know this morning is going to take a long time, I am counting down the hours (I'd do minutes, but then it would feel even longer).

I've added Twitter to my blog, and I'll be sending updates there.

Smell ya later :)


  1. Have a good time. Don't fall in the Coos. Take plenty of pictures. You have been slacking off on the pictures lately. :)

  2. Hey the fireworks were a photo that I took.

  3. thanks for the congrats - hope that crater lake and the local watering hole treated you well. cheers!

  4. Hey there canucklehead.

    Crater Lake was wonderful, and the local watering hole was a blast.


Go on, you know you want to...