Well so much for the wishful thinking regarding getting some work life balance. The past couple of weeks have been insane. So much work to do, and also trying to get ready for the holidays.
I was able to get a little baking done though, and made these guys.
I have so many more to make though, as well as trying to determine what I am going to make for Christmas dinner. I have a few friends coming over on Christmas day, and I plan to serve up quite the feast.
Song of Happiness
Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift. - Albert Einstein
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
New Job
I am really excited. I have been pretty much doing this job for the past couple of years in addition to my regular role. But, now I get to do that full time, and leave the other role behind. They are backfilling my previous role with 6 people.
Which is crazy, if I think that I have essentially been doing the job of 7 people for the past 2 years. It's no wonder I was working such long hours.
I am looking forward to being able to use a different part of my brain, and do more planning strategy as oppose to the reactive execution I have been doing lately.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Habits v's Goals.

With it coming up to the end of the year, New Years round the corner, I have one goal for 2013. That goal is to make sure I give myself some work/life balance. I have spent the past 3 years working a crazy schedule, and put my personal life pretty much on hold.
Going forward I want to continue to work hard, but ensure that I leave some time for my own mental and physical health. I have weight to lose and friends to see. I really do have some amazing friends though. They have been patient with me over the past few years, and have been flexible with their schedules, so that when I did have some down time we were able to get together. Now its my turn to make sure I can do the same for them..
Regardless of new years resolutions, what things in your life are you looking to change?
Regardless of new years resolutions, what things in your life are you looking to change?
Monday, December 3, 2012
'Tis the Season

I lived in the US for almost 8 years now (It will become 8 on Jan 5th). My first Christmas here was spent alone, in my small apartment in downtown Portland. I remember being unable to reach my parents by phone, as they were on vacation in South Africa, and sometime in the evening the power went out, so I was all alone in the dark. It was quite possibly the worst Christmas I've ever had.
Since then I have invited friends over to my house every Christmas day, and have had anything from 2 people to close to 20 stop by. It makes Christmas feel like Christmas to me, if I am able to open up my home, cook for people and share the day.
I could of course go back to the UK for Christmas, but now I have made my own tradition here. It might not be a conventional Christmas spent with family, but my friends out here in the PNW have become my family. I still get so excited about Christmas day that I wake up around 4am (as you can imagine, my husband is not really impressed by that). I try and stay queit as I make my way downstairs and start to prepare the turkey and trimmings.
Then around 8am, when I can stand it no more, I go back upstairs to wake up the husband. He cooks a wonderful breakfast, and we have memosa's, eat then beginning the gifting process. Presents are pulled from under the tree and placed in the relevant piles (myself, hubby and of course the cats :) ). We make our way through, topping up the memosa's as we go. Then its time for me to get back in the kitchen. By now the Christmas music is blasting.
Other than Christmas day it's self, my favourite holiday moment, is decorating the house. I have boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations, and put up several trees. I love going through the ornament boxes and finding all those memories. Ornaments that my mum and I bought when I was going through a rough patch in life, and my mum was there to support me. Items from my childhood, decorations off the family tree from 30 years ago. We were recently able to add to the collection, ornaments from Ryan's childhood, there are homemade ornaments in there, one's that move, and ones from his grandma.
As bittersweet as Christmas can be, it is certainly a time when you remember loved ones, it's a wonderful occassion to be surrounded by family/friends.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
A Word of the Day...
A search for "word of the day" today returned: Cathexis
I had never even heard of this word before, let alone did I have any idea what it meant.
According to http://www.merriam-webster.com here's the definition:
After trying to find out more about this word, I end up reading about Sigmund Freud. Its been a long time since I've spent much time thinking about Freud. I had to study him, well I suppose really, his theories when I was at University, which was one heck of a long time ago. (This is where I start to realise my age, and quickly dive back to my original train of thought).
Essentially it seems that Freud believed that psychic energy is generated by the libido. (of course it is.. where else would it come from).
This psychic energy is released through biological means known drives. A drive has two parts: a biological need and a psychological need. Then of course what I am reading starts to get into the id, the ego and the superego, and all of a sudden, distant bells start ringing, and I actually start to remember some of the things I learnt at Uni oh those many years ago. Seems it wasn't a waste after all. My parents will be so happy.
Ultimately, what I realised is that I didn't think I'd ever heard this word before, but that really isn't possible, been as I spent a substantial amount of time studying the id, ego and superego. Apparently I just suppressed the memory of Cathexis. Only for it to rear it's head x number of years later.
What I most certainly do remember is having a biological need for a drink, and then somehow ending up at the pub. My id, ego and superego apparently had that figured out. When my id conjured up an image of a drink, my ego saw that as a beer, and then sent me off to the student union, to quench the biological need for a beverage. Apparently in these situations, my ego did not feel the need to respond with anticathexis, as it did not deem going to the pub for a nice cold beer as an unacceptable action.
Now I am delving further into Freud's theories (again), partly to see how much I remember, partly because I still find it intriguing. (by no means does this mean that I necessarily agree with all of this theories).
I had never even heard of this word before, let alone did I have any idea what it meant.
According to http://www.merriam-webster.com here's the definition:
: investment of mental or emotional energy in a person, object, or idea

Essentially it seems that Freud believed that psychic energy is generated by the libido. (of course it is.. where else would it come from).
This psychic energy is released through biological means known drives. A drive has two parts: a biological need and a psychological need. Then of course what I am reading starts to get into the id, the ego and the superego, and all of a sudden, distant bells start ringing, and I actually start to remember some of the things I learnt at Uni oh those many years ago. Seems it wasn't a waste after all. My parents will be so happy.
Ultimately, what I realised is that I didn't think I'd ever heard this word before, but that really isn't possible, been as I spent a substantial amount of time studying the id, ego and superego. Apparently I just suppressed the memory of Cathexis. Only for it to rear it's head x number of years later.
What I most certainly do remember is having a biological need for a drink, and then somehow ending up at the pub. My id, ego and superego apparently had that figured out. When my id conjured up an image of a drink, my ego saw that as a beer, and then sent me off to the student union, to quench the biological need for a beverage. Apparently in these situations, my ego did not feel the need to respond with anticathexis, as it did not deem going to the pub for a nice cold beer as an unacceptable action.
Now I am delving further into Freud's theories (again), partly to see how much I remember, partly because I still find it intriguing. (by no means does this mean that I necessarily agree with all of this theories).
Word of the Day
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Who's that girl?
There once was a girl from Shotley
Who typed up some words quite promptly
With thoughts in her mind
And a heart that was kind
She lived to be old and happy.
Who typed up some words quite promptly
With thoughts in her mind
And a heart that was kind
She lived to be old and happy.

Does it mean more to offer forgiveness than to receive it?
I know that I personally find it much easier to forgive others than I do to forgive myself.
It's possible for me to find more examples of this as work. It's as I hold myself to a different set of expectations than I do those around me. I seem to be able to accept that other people are human, and therefore mistakes are inevitable. Yet when I get something wrong myself, I will beat myself up about it for days, weeks, sometimes even longer, even if other people forgive me or reassure me
There are a couple of people in my life who find it exceedingly difficult to forgive themselves for anything. Causing themselves grief for years. Long after the people involved in the incident have moved on from it, and in many cases even forgotten about it.
I can still remember things from my childhood that I did. Such as when I yelled out that I hated my parents. I was probably no more than 4, and really upset at the time. I have no recollection if what had happened leading up to the outburst, but I remember with a sickening feeling the words I shouted out. I don't think I'll ever let it go. There are many other things, that I will not go into here, as I still feel ashamed of them. Some at the time were reckless and fun, but people got hurt. I don't let these things consume me, but if and when I do, for some of those things I still feel guilt. Others are just a memory.
I have a belief that mistakes, bad decisions and moments of impulsiveness will occur, and that it is better in the long term to forgive oneself and learn from the mistake than to carry the guilt. Forgive but maybe not always forget.
I bring up the not always forgetting, for two reasons. 1. Because repetition of the same mistakes is really not a good course of action. 2. I was in an unhealthy relationship for a period of time, and had I forgiven and forgotten everything that person did to me, I'd most likely still be in that horrendous situation. There came a point, that although I could still forgive, I knew I had to get out, otherwise I would only be able to hold myself accountable for what would of/could of happened to me.
"Forgiveness isn't something we do for others. We do it so we can get well and move on."
(source unknown)
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